I’m not sure how a blog post could make me feel both delighted and heartbroken at the same time, but it is definitely because I love this couple so much and want nothing but the best for them in this season of life! Unfortunately for many couples who were engaged in 2019, it meant that their 2020 wedding fell in the middle of a pandemic and needed to be postponed, and this sadly happened to Devyn & Rachel. Their wedding should have been this September and it is heartbreaking to say that their wedding has been postponed to 2021.
But the heartbreak stops here!
If there is one thing to know about me, it’s that I love symbolism and I try to find the meaning and magic in everything. So, it was seriously important to me to honor Devyn & Rachel’s wedding day and not let the special date (that they have been waiting over a year for!) pass them by. Soon after Rachel informed me that they were going to postpone their wedding to next year, I immediately suggested to her the idea of a “Reclaim the Day” photo shoot!
So, please enjoy Devyn & Rachel’s Reclaim the Day photoshoot! These two took the time, in the midst of heartache & a pandemic, to honor themselves, their love and their original wedding day. We shot at the most beautiful vineyard & winery, Galer Estate and these two were even able to enjoy a little date night afterwards, toasting to their wedding yet to come!
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